Click “Setting” button, you can set up audio bitrate, video bitrate, Frame/sec to get your required ideal video file. At present, Streamingstar Video Capture is capable of recording video to MP4, but producers are endeavoring to make the better Screen capturer and Video producer with much more output video format.
Audio Settings: Set the Audio Bitrate as the quality for recorded audio. In general, 64 Kbps is fine for most recording, but higher bit rates are better, especially when music is involved. Surprisingly, Streamingstar Video Capture should reach 384 Kbps, an especially high quality tone quality. Set a best audio recording inputs on your PC.
Video Settings: Choose the Video Bit Rate, Frames per second, and output video format to meet your demands. As for Frames per second, in condition of standard computer hardware the higher FPS the more fluid movement displayed. The default 30FPS is a common frame number for interactive video recording while it is might not show smooth pictures in recording quick motion. 50FPS Streamingstar Video Capture provides is more appropriate for game recording.